Wednesday, March 7, 2012

V. 1.5.2 The Ultimate In Bug Patches

Well, it was an exciting evening for us all as we rushed to fix crashes related to startup and old code from V. 1.1.  Rest assured, it's all been fixed, and more! In fact, ironically, the one feature of the apple compeller toolkit that was supposed to fix common crashes, inflated them!

We've never had to deal with your bug reports before this (a fact that we were quite proud of), until now.

If you really care about the nitty gritty of what we fixed, here goes:

The number on problem our users experienced (78% of all crashes according to apple), were crashes on startup.  Of course, this was due to a faulty array that had been previously used to control the artwork for the grid cells in earlier versions, and was no longer needed when we transitioned in V. 1.4 to a custom-cell based grid view (the grid you know and love today!).

The second most common problem (taking the rest of the cake at 12%), were related to ARC refactoring of the code related to the document viewer.  Obviously, we could not have our main selling point crash, and all because of a couple of misplaced lines by the COMPILER (not even us!), the app would crash and later refuse to open.

But then, this brings us to V 1.5.2, our latest release which as of this writing, has been approved for sale.  In a few hours, it will go live to our users, and provide  critical bug fix to all of the problems our users have been reporting.

Friday, March 2, 2012

V 1.5.1+ (Or How I Learned To Hate iTunes Connect)

While many of  you visiting this blog have come for support, if we could take a moment to rail against the almighty lord Apple, it would greatly relieve some of the anxiety many of us feel.

You see: when an app crashes, the OS (underlying thing that makes everything from the screen to the springboard work), generates a little text file called a "crash report."  We developers can see these crash reports, which are usually a mound of gibberish to the normal onlooker, and can figure out how and why the application crashes so we can fix it.  

But this begs the question: why not just fix everything in every crash report?  Well, you see, the portal we go to to gather crash reports for our viewing pleasure, does not update itself often.  And even when it does, all of our crash reports are subject to the discretion of apple, which means they have the final say about which ones we can see.

I know!  Creepy, right?  

Such is our dilemma with V. 1.5.1.  Apple is either refusing to release our crash reports, or there simply are none.  If you don't believe us, check this out:

As such, we are calling on all of our users to plug their devices into iTunes and sync them as soon as possible, so we can gather our crash reports and fix the issues in V. 1.5.1.

In the meantime, we are working on V. 1.5.2 having no idea what is wrong with V. 1.5.1

Some hints to possibly fix crashes:

- Restart your device.  Sometimes a good old fashion reboot just clears everything right up!

- Update your iOS version.  We know some of you have had your reservations or simply haven't got around to it, but you really should be on iOS 5.  We designed SheetMuse around iOS 4.3+ APIs, so it's a good idea to be on the latest OS at all times. And the kicker is that every iPad in the world can update to iOS 5 TODAY!

- Email us.  We are NOT allowed to respond to reviews and comments, so your emails are all we have to go by.

EDIT: Never mind, it turns out that all we needed was a fresh install to figure out the problem.  A patch has been released.  We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you!

Crashes In V.1.5.1

Is it bad mojo to begin our blog with bug reports?  Well, if it is, we certainly haven't heard it.  Welcome to the blog, we will be periodically updating it with the information from the latest version of SheetMuse, and our future products.

V. 1.5.1 was our attempt at finally squishing all those harmful memory bugs, but apparently some users have still found some.  If you have ever experienced a crash, email us with your device, iOS version, and steps to reproduce the problem at  We are interested in keeping the user experience at the highest quality possible, so please, send us your crash reports!